Pažnja pažnja! Zovemo vas na šesti po redu Međunarodni studentski filmski festival STIFF!
I ove se godine družimo u Art-kino Croatia i to od 17. do 20. listopada, pa su to neki datumi koje se isplati spremiti jer donosimo hrpu zanimljivog programa kojeg tko zna hoćete li imati prilike igdje drugdje vidjeti.
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Ovogodišnja tema je strah, što ne znači da prikazujemo hororce, već da raspravljamo o uzrocima i posljedicama kulture straha, o interesima, ulogama i narativima koji nas plaše i stvaraju individualnu, ali i opću nesigurnost.
Kroz 45 filmova svih žanrova (igrani, dokumentarni, animirani, eksperimentalni, hibridni) iz 20 zemalja diljem svijeta u četiri puna dana i 10 programskih blokova promatramo malog čovjeka u vrtlogu suvremenog društva.
Otvorenje 6. STIFF-a, 17.10., rezervirali smo za tri nagrađivana, sjajna filma gostujućeg programa Diversions International Short Film Festival koji je najnoviji festival na popisu naših partnera.
Osim filmskog programa, i ove godine organiziramo razgovore nakon projekcija na temu društvenih promjena, migracija, nasilja, seksualnosti i identiteta, a kako festival ne bi ostao samo na zabavi i promišljanju, organiziramo i bogat edukativni program – scenarističku radionicu pod vodstvom majstora Giovannia Robbiania i radionicu distribucije koju vodi Morana Komljenović.
Međunarodni studentski filmski festival STIFF, festival posvećen studentskom filmu čija je svrha predstavljanje najbolje svjetske studentske produkcije široj publici, organiziraju Filmaktiv i Studentski kulturni centar Rijeka Sveučilišta u Rijeci, uz suorganizaciju Art-kina. Podupiru ga Hrvatski audiovizualni centar (HAVC), Grad Rijeka, Primorsko-goranska županija, Sveučilište u Rijeci i Zaklada Kultura nova.
Ulaz na sve programe je besplatan.
Attention attention! You are invited to the sixth Student International Film Festival STIFF!
As always our main venue is Art-kino Croatia, and the dates on which you’ll have the opportunity to see some amazing films are 17th till 20th of October.
This year’s theme is fear, which doesn’t mean we’ll be screening horror films, but rather that we’ll be actively discussing causes and consequences of a culture of fear, and also the interests, roles, and narratives that scare us and create individual but also general insecurity.
Through 45 films of all genres (fiction, documentary, animated, experimental, hybrid) from 20 countries around the world in four full days and 10 program blocks, we observe common people in the swirl of contemporary society.
The cherry on the top comes at the very beginning, in a guest programme by our partners Diversions International Short Film Festival: three multi-awarded films that hit the nail on the head when it comes to Fear.
Besides the film programme, we continue with well-attended after-screening discussions about social change, migration, violence, sexuality and identity. This year we’re introducing a couple of new educational programmes: screenwriting workshop held by renown screenwriter and director Giovanni Robbiano and distribution workshop led by Morana Komljenović.
The Student International Film Festival – STIFF – is organised by Filmaktiv and Student Cultural Centre (SKC) in cooperation with Art-kino Rijeka. It is supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Society of Croatian Directors, City of Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, University of Rijeka, the “Kultura nova” Foundation and National Foundation for Civil Society Development.